Tuesday 10 December 2013

On the reason I made this blog...

Reading this you may be asking yourself just what the flying f*** you're doing on a random blog like this one. Isn't it just another blog by some douchebag who thinks his opinion is just so flipping great he thinks he deserves a blog to write about what makes him tick? In a way, yeah, this is that kind of blog if I can indeed be called a douchebag. But what made ME want to start blogging? Well there are a few reasons, the three main ones being that:

a) I'm tired of seeing boring, boring posts on facebook that only involve the boring aspects of ones social life or ultra-mundane things like eating cookies with milk at 8 o'clock at night. Why on earth would I care what type of sweets you are eating? To go together with this I'm also rather tiored of seeing poor quality content on sites like Listverse which as of late has been hosting way too many sensationalist articles that have no place on listverse. And frankly the community there is flipping terrible, containing some of the most arrogant dreck to ever grace the internet.

b) I'm an author and a storyteller. At least that's what I want to become because other than a bunch of unpublished articles I haven't really written much. I want to change that with this blog. I want to use it to force myself to post new and fresh content every week and to actually publish valid stories, stories that who knows, may touch a lot of people or induce reactions in them they had never experienced before. Also, I'm writing a book and I need publici... I mean fans, yeah! Fans!

c) To go with that, I'm making this blog in order to be able to freely and calmly state my own opinions without fear of offending anyone. I'll say it right now: sometimes I write and think about very, very, VERY mature subjects so if very heavy and taboo subjects are not your thing, look away now.

Because I'm a big believer in grey and gray morality, it's a fact of life that my pieces, my writings are subject to opinion. When you write it isn't always a case of either the writer or the critic being right or the other wrong; sometimes a mix of the twos opinions,feelings and mindsets is necessary to draw a real answer. Sometimes, you don't even have to win in moral dillemmas in order to do the right thing and that is a subject that is explored in the book that I am writing. Either way, this blog isn't really here to change people into clones set in my own image but it's made for the enjoyment of others and nothing more. I hope everyone who reads it has fun and may I finish the book that I am writing. And that day WILL come...

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